as i typed that word I realized it has two different meanings (if you don't count the fact the I may have misspelled it). The way I see it, the only way you're ever really going to accomplish anything is to be deliberate. Everything else that may have happened, didnt' happen, could have happened, it's just in your mind (I often times re-realize that I am in fact a Buddhist and why, in fact, this is so) If you don't do something deliberately, it is just not going to happen. Take, for example, walking up the stairs, this may be a stupid example, and may touch of something metaphysical; but if do not walk up the stairs, I will not walk up the stairs, even though I know that I could, I know what it would be like, and and know what the consequences will be.
yes i realize also that this is a convoluted example, but I wanted a precursor to what I'm actually talking about, what we're all always talking I know if these posts that I always try to keep to the abstract, no specific names, no specific examples, and I like that...but I guess what I'm really getting at is that there will remain a connection between people that will eventually no longer be deliberate. Whether it is family, friends, co-workers, when there is no communication, there is no "deliberate", but there is still something...
memory? grasping? history? there is something. but it is different to each of us. it is no longer something that is happening, it is something that is. and when does it become deliberate again? when is it something, when does it actualize? within the constancy of this world with email, phone, textmessage, what even constitutes action? What is deliberate and what is residual? What simply does not exist for one when it is obvious to another. How can we go back...we must move forward and we must be deliberate.