mother russia
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Posted by JColeThomas 1 comments
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Posted by JColeThomas 2 comments
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Labels: commentary, manifesto
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Posted by JColeThomas 0 comments
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Posted by JColeThomas 0 comments
why is it that the only way to get anyone to lend you money is to already have enough? I mean, if I didn't have so much debt, then I wouldn't need anyone to lend me any money. And if I made more money, I wouldn't need any one to lend me more money. The reason that I'd like to have someone lend me a significant amount of cash is because, well, I could really use a significant amount of cash. But no, my debt to income ratio is too high! Well, duh, that's why I need the money you jackass! So, really, if anyone out there has about $25k I could borrow to put a serious dent in that damn ratio, then please, let me know. Cause, honestly, I'm good for it.
Posted by JColeThomas 0 comments
christ! i've had that damn bike back for two months and i'm just getting around to posting that I've got it back. And there's a story in there, too. what's my problem? anyway, yeah, got the bike back, ride it everyday...thanks jesus. :-0
Posted by JColeThomas 0 comments
Even when you've got the back wheel locked to yer frame, some asshole in a truck can come along and steal your bike.
Posted by JColeThomas 0 comments
also, you know what's a real shame? when parents take a perfectly good kid and make them stupid. that's sad.
Posted by JColeThomas 0 comments
Labels: people
you know i never feel like saying anything when i actually have the time to. what's up with that. i just don't have the memory capacity to remember anything at all these days, maybe because I don't really have a job and my brain has started to turn to mush lately without the stimulation of any sort of challenge...just constant reminder that I hate just about everything and everyone...not you though. If you're actually reading this you're a friend, honest. yep, pretty much hate everything...but whatever, life is but a dream...with advertising.
Posted by JColeThomas 0 comments
this is a test of your amateur blogger...this is only a test. I've been inondated with all kinds of technology lately and I'm trying to sort it hurts my brain. I don't know why I think I should be using all this stuff...I mean, I do spend a lot of time on this little iBook of mine and I enjoy making that experience better, more functional, and smoother. Is it working? Is it worth it? What is the point of this great distraction. Of course you could posit the big philosophical questions like, "is it bringing us closer together or causing more isolation?", "is it helping us to adapt, or causing some type of social devolution?". I sometimes feel like I'm just missing it all together. I have a friend over at NerdSavant who is my official technology consultant, guru, make-me-feel-stupid guy. I get a lot of the "enhancements" from him, and he is generally really excited about this stuff, which is cool.
Posted by JColeThomas 1 comments
there's something about a fixed gear bicycle that allows you to completely ignore the elements (a little wool doesn't hurt either). It was about twenty degrees with a wind chill this morning, but I was lovin' the ride in to the store. Sliding around on the fresh snow in front of the house, and my favorite part of the ride; this little 100 yard stretch along the Allegheny (that's the 40th Street Bridge there). I duck through a bit of a park, across the railroad and another block beside the tracks. It's great. It certainly beats sitting in some heated car on the parkway for 2 hours everyday.
Posted by JColeThomas 0 comments
sometimes i can't handle all this worldly shit! it's pretty amazing how many people are out there in this world, all over the place. without seeming trite, it just blows my mind in an almost crippling way. And the sadness that I feel when I reach for the truth that I know is out there, comes in the form of the realization that there are a handful of people out there that I've met, spoken to, "know", that may actually have the foggiest idea of what I'm talking about. And then there is the notion of an entire society that's completely based on it...being wiped out. Somewhere in the middle...everyone else. Literally, everyone else.
Aside: Currently Goodyear Blimp Overhead!
Is it possible that the man who actually has the answers was a prince who went and sat down under a tree? Is it possible that when I close my eyes and breathe, it gets closer? Is it possible that me, a simple man who live in capitalism, who works for a living, who has cats, and a fiance, and a car, and lots of bikes, could possibly, in this lifetime, ever get even slightly closer to what he knows is truly enlightment?
Sometimes...i feel as though I'm not really trying hard enough.
Posted by JColeThomas 0 comments
being as i'm finally an adult, i almost never get yelled at like a child. aside from the occasional voice raising argument with someone (generally my better half) I haven't had the opportunity to really be made to feel insignificant, like i'm being "bad". So yestereday i'm on my way to work, and super siked cause I just re-built my bike into a fixed gear and was off for my maiden commute, all fifteen minutes of it. (8 1/2 of them uphill!) Nearing the top of the hill, and passing a giant new hospital construction site I encounter a jersey barrier and a cop car, oh and an angry, arm waving police officer. She yells, "you can't go this way you have to go around!" So I take the nearest side street a block over. This particular section of Pittsburgh is quite steep and most of the streets are one way up or one way down. So, not wanting to divert my commute much more then I have already I continue on the sidewalk of a one way down street. As I get to the top of the hill where the street comes to a "t", I find my self smack in the middle of what I soon realize is a bomb threat that has been called in to hospital construction site!! Immediately, another cop which surprising enough could have been the same one from before (same physical description at least) starts screaming at me. Now I do understand that I was in a cordoned off area, roughly twenty feet from the big, strange looking truck that says bomb unit on it. But I was faced with a left and right decision, there was no straight option. So, I go left, the way I would have gone had there been no police activity. This was clearly the incorrect choice. Cop "B" was not amused and continues to yell...reasoning with her was certainly not an option. So I turn right and ride around the corner to take an alternate route to work...nuff said. Then of course the construction workers who have gotten themselves an oh so convenient half day off, lay into me. "Hey buddy, what's yer problem didn't you see all dem cop cars!" Fuckers. So i give'em the metal sign and pedal on to work....what a way to start your day. Oh, and guess what they turned up at the construction site. Not a damn thing. Oh, the power of a telephone call.
Posted by JColeThomas 0 comments
so, i thought i'd finally let the world in on a little secret. i have a secret obsession that occupies my mind daily and nightly like cats think about mice. it's bikes, i love them. and fortunately i'm not alone. its clearly something that makes a lot of people happy. and i'm clearly not feeling all that poetic about it today, just thought i'd put it down, for posterity. thats all.
Posted by JColeThomas 2 comments
Labels: bikes
Thought I'd add a new section to ye olde sidebar. Commodities galore! Also, I've gotta give a big shout out to my girl Heidi for Can you Dig It. She's like a jedi warrior of all things hip and pleasing to the eye. And most of these links are gonna be coming from her. I can dig it, can you?
Over at Cadence Collection you'll find some great designer stuff. They keep it fresh, without getting trendy. Cycling focused, but not a pre-requisite.
This is the only thing I've seen in a while that was actually nice. It's a nice little movie that MissionWorkshop in SF did for their Shed Messenger Bag. Definitely worth taking a look at.I used to think that snow globes were just boring souveniers from business trips. but these are morbidly excellent.
Currently, my most coveted item can be found here at Chicago WIG . They're completley customizable, and come with lots of strappies!
Here's a groovy little site with lots of plushy things, plastic things, and some pretty nice t-shirts. It's called My Plastic Heart and I likes it!
So Johnny Cupcakes is my current favorite apparel company. Not only cause my girlfriend is a pastry chef, but I just really dig there logo.
How could I talk about cool commodities and not mention Neighborhoodies. Be the first one on your block to rock one. It's fitty dollars that'll make you holla.
Here's a little something for everyone. I know it's a bit outta season, but if you live in Pittsburgh, we're always a bit outta season.
"I love these so much I almost passed out!" -- Heidi Mamula, June 2005. If that's not an endorsement for alex and chloe I don't know what is.
here's a good one if your looking for a card for that special someone. and they'll have to be real special.
another gem from a friend. and all i can say is holy fucking shit i love my guys.
i know threadless has a lot of cool shirts, but i really dig this one
yeah, i know what you guys are thinking...why does this guy have so much girlie shit on his blog. Well because I do. Now, piss off! Here's a couple of more links... good toghether is a link i found on small things designs So, go on, check it out and think what you will. And bring these sites your business, the man already has enough of your money.
I'm just putting this here for the sake of adding something to the Extra Extra. You should follow me on Twitter @jcolethomas. I say some interesting shit sometimes, and hardly post any pictures of my cats.
Just for the record. If you own an X-Terra, I probably hate you.
Also, Tokyo Plastic Is the greatest website ever!
Phase One complete. In case you think this war on terror isn't about oil think again. If you don't know what I'm talking about, do your homework here.
MashSF led me to Fragment Also...verynice.
I know there's a lot of street art out there, glad to see that Pittsburgh is well represented.
There is also some real nice work from NYC here. I remember seeing
Neck Face when I was in San Francisco, and thinking, what the heck is this shit? ...Now i know.
I thought I'd add this right in middle as it pertains directly the Wooster Collective. Take a look at Banksy He's doing some real nice quasi-politcal, anti-capitalist stuff. And I like it!
So, here's a bunch of stuff I wish I woulda thought of.
I did think this article was pretty interesting.
another little slice of lies oh...and here's another slice.
if you think the government doesn't conrtrol what we see think again.
you wanna hear some shit. yeah...this is what the mayor of new orleans has to say about what went down. Now tell me thatain't some serious bullshit going on. Not to mention this shit