being as i'm finally an adult, i almost never get yelled at like a child. aside from the occasional voice raising argument with someone (generally my better half) I haven't had the opportunity to really be made to feel insignificant, like i'm being "bad". So yestereday i'm on my way to work, and super siked cause I just re-built my bike into a fixed gear and was off for my maiden commute, all fifteen minutes of it. (8 1/2 of them uphill!) Nearing the top of the hill, and passing a giant new hospital construction site I encounter a jersey barrier and a cop car, oh and an angry, arm waving police officer. She yells, "you can't go this way you have to go around!" So I take the nearest side street a block over. This particular section of Pittsburgh is quite steep and most of the streets are one way up or one way down. So, not wanting to divert my commute much more then I have already I continue on the sidewalk of a one way down street. As I get to the top of the hill where the street comes to a "t", I find my self smack in the middle of what I soon realize is a bomb threat that has been called in to hospital construction site!! Immediately, another cop which surprising enough could have been the same one from before (same physical description at least) starts screaming at me. Now I do understand that I was in a cordoned off area, roughly twenty feet from the big, strange looking truck that says bomb unit on it. But I was faced with a left and right decision, there was no straight option. So, I go left, the way I would have gone had there been no police activity. This was clearly the incorrect choice. Cop "B" was not amused and continues to yell...reasoning with her was certainly not an option. So I turn right and ride around the corner to take an alternate route to work...nuff said. Then of course the construction workers who have gotten themselves an oh so convenient half day off, lay into me. "Hey buddy, what's yer problem didn't you see all dem cop cars!" Fuckers. So i give'em the metal sign and pedal on to work....what a way to start your day. Oh, and guess what they turned up at the construction site. Not a damn thing. Oh, the power of a telephone call.