Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

more on the future

kindle...i think it pretty much speaks for itself.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

the future...

I continue to reference this video in so many conversations, that I figured that I would finally just post it. It's just so nicely and realistically done that I seems hard to dispute. Enjoy.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

me likey!

well, i just stumbled across the sickest thing i've seen in quite a while. mmmm...home audio.

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pop goes the weasel...and consumerism

have you guys seen the newest American Apparel commercial...its AWESOME!!!

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ps...re:mas musica

LastFM is way cooler than jango...sorry for the missinformation

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Sunday, November 04, 2007

mas musica~!

okay. i just found my new favorite thing. Jango I'm not even gonna try to explain it, but certainly check it out for yourself. If you like it, I think its still by invitation only, and I've got a few so give a shout.

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fashion aside

Well, say what you will about the British... I tend to be a fan of most of the things they've come out with, at least in my lifetime. But they seem to be able to get away with things in a more genuine way. When American's try to recreate or give some type of reniassance to a particular style it just seems, well...lame. Aside from the obvious reasoning of this slide show (to sell clothing) I thought it was a nice photodoc of a past style incarnation redone.

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whats in a shirt?

One of the most entertaining articles I have read in a long time, was in last week's New York Times Magazine. By David Giffels...about...what else?? A Ramones T-Shirt.

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Saturday, November 03, 2007

nerd out with yo' bad self

I found this article the other day in the times but it was too blurry to read, fortunately we have the internets. So here it is in all its nerdy glory.

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

quite concise

Just came across this little piece of how to...it's nice when things are put so concisely as they are in the intro manifesto presented. I was "fortunate" enough to attend one of the aforementioned private type joints, but the result was essentially the same...some more education...and ultimately just another member of the working poor. sweet.

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