Friday, April 29, 2005

My Sangha: 38th Street and Beyond!

yeah, its been a couple of days. thought i'd be a bit more diligent with my postings, but alas, other things have taken precendence. (ps. i don't really care if that's spelled wrong) Like a lot of things, updating this blog takes discipline, something that doesn't always come naturally to a lot of us. Another thing that takes discipline is a relationship, romantic or otherwise. No matter what you call it, we all have relationships with others in some way shape, or form. Sometimes, when it really clicks, relationships seem as though they are meant to be. cosmic. fateful. real. It doesn't matter if that person is on the other side of the country or sleeping in the bed next to you. When its real its real and it's timeless. And sometimes you can come to this relization when things are not necessarily clicking, or when you least expect it. I'm not sure where I'm going with this...I guess it's just that sometimes you know when you've got it, no matter how distracting the rest of the world can seem. And trust me...there's a lot of distraction out there, especially on this internet of ours, or any media for that matter.
I guess what I'm really trying to say, for my own sake if nothing else, is that you can't take it for granted. If you've found someone out there, and i'm not talking about gooshy romantical stuff necessarily, that does it for you. Then you better remember that there's like 8 gazillion people in the world. And even if you'd like to think the grass is greener or your friends are your friends just because of circumstance, well then you better take a look around. Not everyone is like us. Not everyone has the gift of true, inward reflection.
I think this gets at the core of 38th Street. You have to remember that the people that surround you, even if you never see them, are what make up your time here. I'm not gonna get all religiousy on yall, but personally (and not always to the best of my ability) I take refuge in the buddha, the dharma, and the sangha. And 38th Street is my Sangha. And it stretches to Chicago, it stretches to Brooklyn, it stretches to San Francisco. And sometimes, the greatest distance is between those who are closest to you. Close the gap people! The world's not that big.


Anonymous said...

This is in fact my first visit to "the blog" and I must say that I agree with my bro. It's not often that you can step back in your life and appreciate what you truly have. Life moves pretty fast most of the time and I guess most of all are just paddling away as best they can. But it truly helps to step back, realize that what you have is unique to you...your personality, your friends, your family. All of it makes up who you are and what you do in your life. So slow down, look at your life and realize you've got it pretty good.

Anonymous said...

This is in fact my first visit to "the blog" and I must say that I agree with my bro. It's not often that you can step back in your life and appreciate what you truly have. Life moves pretty fast most of the time and I guess most of all are just paddling away as best they can. But it truly helps to step back, realize that what you have is unique to you...your personality, your friends, your family. All of it makes up who you are and what you do in your life. So slow down, look at your life and realize you've got it pretty good.