The Triumvirate: Gina, Idris, Miller
There's really no way I couldn't group these kids togther. Besides it's the only picture I had of them and cropping just results in floating heads. Anyway, these kids rock the house. Two of them are significant to each other, the other only slightly less significant. I'll let you figure that out for yourselves.
If I had to sum up the collective attitude that is exuded from these three...MF Ice Luge. Yeah...for real. I mean who throws down for an ice luge at pretty much every party they throw. That's kinda ridiculous, right?
And did I mention...Idris is a supergenius, Miller missed his calling as the next James Brown, and Gina is the host of Pittsburgh's only morning show? And you thought 38th Street was just another number. Y'all better recognize.
- Name: Gina Focereta
- Occupation: Making shit sound damn fancy
- Hometown: Pittsburgh (Soon to be Chicago, along with everyone else I know that doesn't live in Pittsburgh...or Brooklyn. Sorry Max)
- Passion: I heard she's got some.
- Current Project: Attempting to make Steel Town more fabulous
- Name: Idris Evans aka Two Dimes n' a Nickle
- Occupation: Countin' mad loot, yo.
- Hometown: MF Wales, biatch.
- Passion: Thug Life
- Current Project: Makin' ladies quiver. (sorry Gina, but you know your man is sexy)
- Name: Miller aka Miller
- Occupation: Guardian of the Earth
- Hometown: Seeeeeeeewickley
- Passion: Good ol' fashion laughin'
- Current Project: Strip Club Inspector
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