Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cinco De Easter Bunny

So, I think this will be the last of the 'usual suspects' posts, since I'm running out of pictures and would like to move on. Pictures of your friends is so 80's.
This is one of mr. Smith. aka elik, aka freaky bunny boy. This kid continues to do his part to decomodify art. Sure, dressing up in a bunny suit in a black-lit room, painting the walls florescent while your silver-painted sister croons next door in a room made of tinfoil isn't going to save the world, but goshdangit, somebody's gotta do it!! You've gotta recognize the imporatance of just doing what you want to do and sharing it with others, if we don't...well, we may as well just let big brother slam shut the doors.

  • Name: Something really long with "III" behind it; but I call him Alex.
  • Occupation: guru de festival de arte
  • Hometown: ATL
  • Passion: deconforming
  • Current Project: making you think...

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